Sea Grant: Knauss Fellowship Positions Back to Knauss Main Page
Positions and hosts available to the Sea Grant Knauss Fellowship Class.

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 ID #Position
Select 119 Policy Liaison
Oceanographer of the Navy (US DOD, NAVY)
Select 120 Sea Grant Fellow
U.S. Senate Commerce Committee, Democratic Staff
Select 121 Fishery Management Specialist
Highly Migratory Species Division (US DOC, NOAA, NMFS - NOAA Fisheries, HMS)
Select 125 Aquatic Habitat and Fisheries Management Fellow
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fish and Aquatic Conservation (US DOI, USFWS)
Select 130 International Affairs Fellow
Office of International Affairs (US DOC, NOAA)
Select 136 Foreign Affairs Fellow
Office of International Affairs and Seafood Inspection (US DOC, NOAA, NMFS - NOAA Fisheries)
Select 142 Sea Grant Legislative Fellow
U.S. Senate Commerce Committee, Republican Staff
Select 144 Program Analyst
Formulation and Congressional Analysis (US DOC, NOAA, OAR - NOAA Research, FCA)
Select 152 Endangered Species Program Specialist
Office of Protected Resources (US DOC, NOAA, NMFS - NOAA Fisheries)
Select 155 Fishery Policy Analyst
Office of Sustainable Fisheries, Domestic Fisheries Division (DOC, NOAA, NMFS- NOAA Fisheries, SF)
Select 164 Program Analyst
Marine Mammal Commission (MMC)
Select 171 Sea Grant Legislative Fellow
U.S. Representative Mike Thompson - California
Select 172 Congressional Affairs Fellow
Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs (DOC, NOAA, OLIA)
Select 186 OMC Knauss Sea Grant Fellow
Office of Marine Conservation (STATE, OES)
Select 196 NOAA Aquaculture Fellow
Office of Aquaculture (DOC, NOAA, NMFS - NOAA Fisheries, OA)
Select 207 Sea Grant Fellow
U.S. House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure - Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation, Republican Staff
Select 213 NOAA Research - Strategic Planning and Policy Analyst
Office of Policy, Planning, and Evaluation (US DOC, NOAA, OAR - NOAA Research, PPE)
Select 215 Program Analyst
Office of Laboratories and Cooperative Institutes (US DOC, NOAA, OAR - NOAA Research)
Select 217 Special Assistant, OAR Office of the Assistant Administrator
Office of the Assistant Administrator (US DOC, NOAA, OAR - NOAA Research)
Select 223 Communications Specialist
Communications Office (US DOC, NOAA, OAR - NOAA Research)
Select 231 Sea Grant Fellow
U.S. Representative Sam Farr - California
Select 256 Coastal Policy Fellow
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Institute for Water Resources (DoD, Army, USACE)
Select 290 Legislative Fellow
U.S. Representative Lois Capps - California
Select 294 International Affairs Fellow
Office of International Affairs (US DOC, NOAA, OAR - NOAA Research)
Select 304 Offshore Wind and Ocean Renewable Energy Environmental Science and Policy Specialist
U.S. Department of Energy (US DOE)
Select 318 Sea Grant Legislative Fellow
U.S. Senator Roger Wicker - Mississippi
Select 323 Congressional and Legislative Affairs Fellow
Congressional and Legislative Affairs (US DOI, USFWS)
Select 328 International Enforcement Program
Office of Law Enforcement (DOC, NOAA, NMFS - NOAA Fisheries, OLE)
Select 353 Navigation R&D Advisor
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineering Research and Development Center (DoD, Army, USACE)
Select 365 Program analyst specializing in stakeholder engagement
Ocean Acidification Program (DOC, NOAA, OAR - NOAA Research, OAP)
Select 390 Sea Grant Fellow
U.S. Representative Chellie Pingree - Maine
Select 394 Ocean Policy and Communications Specialist
Office of Policy Analysis - Coordinated Ocean, Coastal and Great Lakes Activities (US DOI)
Select 396 Legislative Fellow
U.S. Representative Don Young - Alaska
Select 404 NOAA Research - OAR Corporate Evaluations Fellow
Office of Policy, Planning, and Evaluation (US DOC, NOAA, OAR - NOAA Research, PPE)
Select 407 Sea Grant Fellow
U.S. Representative Jared Huffman - California
Select 408 Ocean and Coastal Policy Fellow
Policy and Constituent Affairs Division (US DOC, NOAA, NOS, PCA)
Select 414 Sea Grant Legislative Fellow
U.S. Senator Edward Markey - Massachusetts
Select 429 Science and Technology Research Coordinator
Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (US DOI, BSEE)
Select 434 EPA National Nutrient Criteria Program Fellow, 2016-2017
Ecological and Health Processes Branch - Nutrients Team (US EPA, S&T)
Select 440 Climate Policy Fellow
U.S. Senator Brian Schatz - Hawaii
Select 445 Legislative Fellow
U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin - Wisconsin
Select 446 Legislative Fellow
U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell - Washington
Select 450 Recreational Fisheries Specialist
Office of Sustainable Fisheries, Domestic Fisheries Division (DOC, NOAA, NMFS- NOAA Fisheries, SF)
Select 456 Education Policy Fellow
Office of Education (US DOC, NOAA, OED)
Select 457 Ocean Acidification Specialist in the Arctic Research Program
Climate Program Office (US DOC, NOAA, OAR - NOAA Research, CPO)
Select 461 Ocean Science Educator/Communications Specialist
Communications Office (US DOC, NOAA, NMFS - NOAA Fisheries)
Select 462 Knauss Fellow, Biological Oceanography Program, Division of Ocean Sciences
Division of Ocean Sciences (NSF)
Select 473 NOAA Marine Debris Program Fellow, 2016-2017
Marine Debris Program (US DOC, NOAA, NOS, ORR, MDP)
Select 474 Legislative Fellow
U.S. Senator Gary C. Peters - Michigan
Select 475 Legislative Fellow
U.S. House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, Democratic Staff
Select 476 Policy Liaison to the Executive Director
Committee on the Marine Transportation System
Select 477 Sea Grant Policy Fellow
National Weather Service, National Centers for Environmental Prediction (US DOC, NOAA, NWS, NCEP)
Select 478 Sea Grant Legislative Fellow - Minority Staff
U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources
Select 479 Communications Specialist, NOAA's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries
Office of National Marine Sanctuaries (US DOC, NOAA, NOS, ONMS)
Select 480 Program Analyst for National Observer Program
Office of Science and Technology (US DOC, NOAA, NMFS- NOAA Fisheries, OST)
Select 483 NOAA Fisheries Ecosystem Science and Management Specialist
Office of Science and Technology (US DOC, NOAA, NMFS- NOAA Fisheries, OST)
Select 484 Climate Change and Natural Resources Fellow
Office of Insular Affairs (DOI)
Select 485 Executive Secretariat/Fisheries Science Coordinator
Office of Science and Technology (US DOC, NOAA, NMFS- NOAA Fisheries, OST)
Select 486 Ecosystem and Sea Turtle Coordinator
Office of Science and Technology (US DOC, NOAA, NMFS- NOAA Fisheries, OST)
Select 488 Climate & Societal Interactions, Community Resilience Specialist
Climate Program Office (US DOC, NOAA, OAR - NOAA Research, CPO)
Select 489 International Partnership Fellow
Climate Program Office (US DOC, NOAA, OAR - NOAA Research, CPO)
Select 491 Knauss Sea Grant Fellow
U.S. Representative Gregorio Kilili Camacho Sablan - Northern Mariana Islands
Select 492 Habitat Focus Area Program Specialist
Office of Habitat Conservation, Habitat Protection Division (DOC, NOAA, NMFS - NOAA Fisheries)
Select 494 Program and Policy Analyst (NESDIS Interagency Collaboration)
Office of the Assistant Administrator (US DOC, NOAA, NESDIS)
Select 495 Program and Policy Analyst (NESDIS Cross-NOAA Collaboration)
Office of the Assistant Administrator (US DOC, NOAA, NESDIS)
Select 496 NOAA Hypoxia Coordination and Transition Fellow, 2016-2017
National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (US DOC, NOAA, NOS, NCCOS)
Select 497 Climate Preparedness Fellow
Council on Environmental Quality
Select 498 Sea Grant Fellow
U.S. Senator Ron Wyden - Oregon
Select 501 Habitat Restoration Program Analyst
Office of Habitat Conservation (US DOC, NOAA, NMFS - NOAA Fisheries)
Select 502 Program Analyst - NOAA Science Advisory Board and Labs and Cooperative Institutes
Office of Laboratories and Cooperative Institutes (US DOC, NOAA, OAR - NOAA Research)
Select 503 Sea Grant Fellow
U.S. Representative Derek Kilmer - Washington
Select 504 Coastal Specialist
National Sea Grant Office (US DOC, NOAA, OAR - NOAA Research, NSGO)
Select 505 Ocean Policy Fellow
Office of Science and Technology Policy, White House National Security Council
Select 506 Ocean Exploration Fellow
Office of Ocean Exploration and Research (DOC, NOAA, OAR - NOAA Research, OER)
Select 507 Integrated Water Coordinator
National Sea Grant Office (US DOC, NOAA, OAR - NOAA Research, NSGO)
Select 508 Legislative Fellow
U.S. Senator Cory Booker - New Jersey
Select 509 Protected Species Program Specialist on Climate Change
Office of Protected Resources (US DOC, NOAA, NMFS - NOAA Fisheries)